18/1/2017Poster presentation at 2017 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium (ASCO GI) on Phase 1 Clinical Study of OTS103/104 (OCV-C02) for colorectal cancer
6/12/2016Announcement of milestone payment for the progress of Phase III clinical trial of the cancer-specific peptide vaccine S-588410
20/9/2016The commencement of Phase I clinical study of OTS167, MELK specific inhibitor, for breast cancer patients in USA
14/9/2016Publication from The University of Chicago
23/8/2016Publication of a paper describing the anti-cancer effect of a MELK inhibitor OTS167 on multiple myeloma cells
29/7/2016The expiration of license agreement signed by OncoTherapy for compact automatic emulsion-preparing device
15/7/2016The first-patient enrollment in Phase I/II clinical study of OTS167, MELK specific inhibitor, for Acute Myeloid Leukemia patients in USA
6/6/2016Publication of a paper describing neoantigen-specific T-cell receptor-engineered T cell therapy in mice
16/5/2016Patent Registration for TOPK-specific inhibitors in China
21/4/2016Completion of patient enrollment in Phase I clinical study of OTS167 for patients with advanced solid tumors in the US
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